Drought could cost SA almost R10bn in food export revenue

The South African economy could potentially take a R9.2-billion knock in export revenue loss for food crops as the drought continues. Citing industry sources, Business Day reports that this figure excludes the drought’s effect on farmers’ income, job losses and any inflationary aftermath. Grain South Africa published on its website recently that the country would have to import 770 000 tonnes of maize until the end of April next year at R2.2bn. The country will also need R1bn worth of wheat imports to make up for shortfalls triggered by drought conditions. In the 2013/2014 financial year, SA produced a bumper […]

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Droogte plek-plek ergste in meer as 20 jaar

Terwyl boere Woensdag landerye met verdorde mielies hier afgesny het, is misoeste in dié omgewing as die ergste in meer as 20 jaar beskryf. Johan Rautenbach het gesê hy sny sy mielies in die grond in, omdat hy niks anders daarmee kan maak nie. “Die mielies dra geen koppe nie, daar is geen voedingswaarde vir kuilvoer nie.” Twee weke gelede het boere nog gehoop op reën wat hul landerye kon red, maar buiten ’n paar druppels wat verspreid geval het, het voldoende reën nooit gekom nie. Rautenbach sê net wat insetkoste betref, verloor hy R8 000 per hektaar. By die graansilo, […]

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